Knovel introduced a new platform this week that revolutionizes our ability to add more Web 2.0 or interactive features and scale to meet our customer’s needs. Much of the original code base has been replaced moving from our original proprietary code (our VP of IT called it “spaghetti”) to completely open source, enterprise portal technology. Simplification of the Knovel architecture is allowing us to innovate and exploit faster development cycles to more rapidly prototype new product features. The most obvious user productivity gain is a lot fewer mouse clicks to manipulate data in our new Ajax based interactive tables. Here are just a few examples of the things Knovel users rely on interactive tables to find, compare, and calculate:
- Basic Physical Properties of Chemical Compounds - Try It
- Basic Physical Properties of Common Solvents- Try It
- Surface Tensions - Temperature Dependences- Try It
- Tensile Properties of Carbon Steel as a Function of Hardness- Try It
- Dielectric Constants of Common Materials- Try It
- Design and Mechanical Properties of Aerospace Alloys- Try It
- Creep Strain vs. Time- Try It
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Hence the new platform provides “efficiency for us” that immediately translates into “productivity for you.”
Thanks and have a productive day,
Chris Forbes
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